Institutional Data Executive Steering Committee (IDESC)

Terms of Reference

  • Champion the institutional data strategy of the University.
  • Ensure University’s data strategy initiatives are aligned with Western's mission and objectives, and champion involvement where relevant.
  • Ultimate decision-making body for aspects related to University data strategies.
  • Based on advice from the Institutional Data Committee (IDC) and other relevant stakeholders, recommend amendments to relevant policies and procedures to the University as processes require.
  • Approve committee membership, standards, and guidelines brought forward by the Institutional Data Committee (IDC).
  • Approve Terms of Reference for associated data-related advisory councils and working groups.
  • Ensure institutional alignment within the University to support the design and implementation of institutional data governance.
  • Perform as Data Governors within the University, dealing with high order data estates as follows:
    • Academic
    • Research
    • People
    • Space
    • Services* (*Services refers to a broad catchment of data-related activities, including financial, information technology, etc.)


  • Chair, Provost & Vice-President (Academic)
  • Vice-President (Finance and Operations)
  • Vice-President (Research)
  • Vice-President (University Advancement)
  • Associate Vice-President (Human Resources)
  • Associate Vice-President (Institutional Planning and Budgeting)
  • Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
  • Chief Data Officer (CDO)